We Dug Out a Cradle

Sep 19, 2024

The first thing I noticed was the deathly silence. Even the birds had stopped singing and there were no idling cars or motorcycle rumblings and there was no music nor were there street vendors anywhere to be found. I could hear our footsteps going that way and some other footsteps coming this way and when the footsteps met we said, “Hey, we’ve got equipment. Do you know where we should go?” And the other footsteps said, “We just came from that street over there but it seems like they’re already full. We heard they might need help at the supermarket—someone that needs to be dug out, maybe?”

What Was Jhāna, Really?

May 20, 2021

Last night, during Uposatha, I took the opportunity to start a book I had been wanting to get into for a while, Reexamining Jhāna: Towards a Critical Reconstruction of Early Buddhist Soteriology. In it, Grzegorz Polak argues that the Theravada tradition has misinterpreted the role of Jhāna as an optional attainment, when it is in fact presented as necessary for enlightenment in the Sutta Piṭaka. According to him, it’s simply a matter of misinterpretation by later Buddhists, who had difficulty grasping the meditative practice of the Buddha as separate from the Yogic tradition. One compelling piece of evidence is the Sandha Sutta (AN 11:10), in which the Buddha condemns Jhāna practiced as absorption on a single object, leading to the cessation of the senses, etc; and instead, praises Jhāna not dependent on anything.

Products and Toys

Feb 14, 2021

A few years ago, a friend of mine recommended a fantastic essay by Greg Costikyan to me, I Have No Words & I Must Design, in which he proposes a basic shared vocabulary for game design, and through which I was introduced to the illuminating distinction between toys and games. Costikyan argues that games are organized behavior with well defined goals—an end-game, a victory state; whereas toys are merely interactive objects through which play may be constructed.

Think of a basketball ball: the ball is a toy (and what a wonderful toy it is), but by itself it provides no structure. The ball needs the game of basketball, with all of its rules and complex subtleties, if organized fun is to be had.

Mujer de Fuego

Feb 04, 2021

Strange, that we don’t know each other
and yet in dreams you show me color.


Dec 27, 2016

Send me something I’m not looking for
to help me sleep at night, when
I wake looking for your fingers
running on my back.